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Tsinghua Affiliated High School integrated school information application work seminar was held in our school

Release Time: 2019-10-20 Author: Clicks:

Tsinghua Affiliated High School integrated school information application work seminar was held in our school

On the morning of October 20, on the occasion of the 104th anniversary of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University, the "Seminar on the Application of Information Technology in the Integrated School of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University" was held at the headquarters of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University.。The executive presidents of the integrated School Affiliated to Tsinghua University, the vice presidents in charge of information technology work and the director of the information center in charge of information technology work attended the meeting,And special invitation to Yan 'an City government deputy Secretary-General Wang Jun,Tsinghua University alumni and experts in information construction Chen Jian, Song Shuqiang and Lu Jinzhong,Ma Libo, head of the comprehensive quality evaluation system of Tsinghua Affiliated High School,More than 50 people, including Zhao Huijie, head of the Air School of Tsinghua High School, participated in the meeting。The meeting was chaired by Sun Shuming, deputy director of the Resource Support Center of Tsinghua High School。

Conference site

Director Sun Shuming presided over the meeting

首先,President Wang Dianjun delivered a speech,He said that Tsinghua High School has been continuously thinking and exploring in the field of information construction,At present, it has built online teaching and evaluation systems for teachers and students, such as Air School, Future School, Upper school and comprehensive quality evaluation system,Both teachers and students in integrated schools and schools in other provinces and cities can share teaching and research resources with high efficiency。President Wang Dianjun hopes that through this meeting, integrated schools can establish a good liaison mechanism, share the application examples and practical experience of informatization in each school at the meeting, unify ideas in informatization construction, and build the smart classroom and smart campus of the integrated School Affiliated to Tsinghua University。

President Wang Dianjun made a speech

Subsequently, Director Sun Shuming shared the status quo, thoughts, challenges and solutions of the informatization construction of the headquarters of Tsinghua Affiliated High School at the meeting, and made suggestions and summaries on the construction ideas and directions (standards) of the integrated school informatization platform of Tsinghua Affiliated High School。He explained in detail the application examples of Tsinghua High School Headquarters in education and teaching, educational administration, human resource management, student activities and other aspects in recent years,This paper introduces the whole information design concept and framework of the High School attached to Tsinghua University, which is oriented by development,Several application systems are introduced emphatically,This paper introduces the advanced experience gained by excellent teachers in the deep integration of education and technology in the headquarters of Affiliated Middle School in recent years,In particular, it introduces the practice and effect of Pan Tianjun, Zhang Qin, Zhou Jianjun and other teachers。He said that the current situation of information construction also has some problems and challenges,There is an imbalance in teachers' cognition, understanding, enthusiasm and construction content,Schools need to further explore the practices of advanced teachers,Actively support teachers' exploration and application,Concentrate superior forces,Win the battle for the deep integration of school education and information technology。

Director Sun Shuming delivered a report

Chen Jian, an alumnus of Tsinghua University and expert of the modern service Industry Key Project Group of the Ministry of Science and Technology, gave a special lecture on the status and trend analysis of online education。By referring to the actual application of some online education platforms, he sorted out the current education and teaching mode of "Internet + education", analyzed and summarized the advantages and disadvantages of online education, and prospected the development direction of online education in the future。

Information construction expert Chen Jian gave a report

Song Shuqiang, deputy editor of Modern Educational Technology magazine of Tsinghua University and Secretary General of Artificial Intelligence Professional Committee of China Educational Technology Association, gave a special lecture on smart campus for future education。From a macro perspective, he explained in detail the current implementation goals and popularization of education informatization, elaborated the overall requirements of modern education informatization application, and put forward suggestions on the construction and application of smart campus and smart classroom。

Information construction expert Song Shuqiang gave a report

In the afternoon, the participants visited the Blue Ocean Huanye intelligent technology exhibition hall and a series of high-tech products。Tsinghua University alumnus Lu Jinzhong introduced the big data system of smart campus assisted teaching management. He introduced the application scenarios of smart campus through the current smart classroom and smart education platform, and prospected the future development direction of education。

Participants visit the intelligent technology exhibition hall and high-tech products

Participants visit the recording exhibition hall

Tsinghua University alumnus Lu Jinzhong introduces the application scenarios of smart campus

Finally, the teachers of the integrated school had a discussion and exchange。Teachers responsible for information construction in each school took turns on the stage to introduce the information construction and use of the school, share the mature experience in the use process and put forward puzzles。According to the confusion raised by the teachers,Zhao Huijie, head of the High School Attached to Tsinghua University,Ma Libo, head of the comprehensive quality evaluation system of Tsinghua Affiliated High School,Tsinghua University alumni and informatization experts Chen Jian and Lu Jinzhong also gave answers to relevant questions,It is hoped that it will be helpful to teachers in the application of information technology in teaching,At the same time, promote the effective integration of information technology and education and teaching work。All the teachers have benefited a lot from the seminar. I hope there will be more opportunities to have such activities, so that the integrated schools can communicate with each other and jointly promote growth。

Seminar site

Integrated school teachers share the experience of informatization construction and use in each school

Information construction experts and responsible persons to the teachers related questions to answer

Some participants took photos

Text: Jicheng

Photo: Jiao Zilong

Audit: Party Shengjun Wu Xinsheng Yang Rui

Source: China Talent Development Fund

Edit: Administrative Management Center

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